When a dental emergency strikes, it can turn a normal day into an excruciating experience. From a sudden injury to a debilitating toothache, these dental problems may require immediate attention to alleviate the pain or prevent more damage. It’s important, then,...
Maintaining oral health is crucial as poor oral health can lead to gum disease, cavities, and loss of teeth. However, getting affordable dental care can be a challenge for some. It may be difficult to believe, but there are ways to maintain oral health without...
As a senior, living on a fixed income in Southwest Washington can be challenging. In 2023, rent was up 28.3% since 2020 and food was up by 11.3% since December of 2021.[1] Plus, with age, seniors need to make more visits to their doctors and dentists, which means...
Choosing a dentist in Vancouver WA can be challenging because not all dental offices offer quality dental care, and not all can serve your needs. When choosing the best dentist for your dental care, here are some of the factors you should consider. Is the Dental...
Sometimes a tooth or teeth may need care due to illness or injury and a highly effective solution is a dental crown – a cap or covering for your tooth. A dental crown is one of the most common dental restoration treatments, and for good reason. Our teeth are essential...
The holiday season is a time for gathering with loved ones. There are many activities to look forward to like family feasts, wintery outdoor adventures or cozy cuddles by the fireplace. When we think about the holiday season, a dental emergency isn’t something we...
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